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Business Services


“Does every business need a plan”? – Absolutely. Every business needs a plan. Developing a detailed business plan will provide you with an opportunity to shape a powerful business development strategy. A Business plan is used to communicate how your strategy will increase your chance for success in a new venture or to improve the performance of an existing business. We provide professional Business Plan Writing Services.

Furthermore the plan is a document that explains what your business does, how it makes money and who your customers are.  So, the document is designed to describe the process of building and sustaining a profitable business based on the product or service you have conceived. We share more than 23 years Business Plan Writing Services with you.

We will help you step-by-step through the entire process to enable you to achieve all your goals and dreams. 


Everyone does farming, but not everyone knows how to create, manage and succeed in an agriculture project. Knowing how to write and set up an agricultural project is an art, and any agripreneur wishing to succeed in agribusiness must master it. so, it opens doors of opportunity. It all start with a professional and bankable agric/farming business plan.

Farming and agriculture are complicated businesses. To be successful you need more than a green thumb and the willingness to get your hands dirty. You need to know how to operate your agricultural enterprise effectively and not just forecast your crop rotations, but your cash position and revenue. To do that, you will need a agric / farming business plan.

Need help with this? – contact us now for professional help and assistance. We go the extra mile for our customers.

We share more than 15 years farming/agric experience with customers.


Business/Farming profiles are like a resume/cv for your business. It is used as an opportunity to briefly state why potential clients should work with you by giving thorough and precise details. To keep it short and engaging will make sure that interested parties read it all the way through and show that you respect their time.

The document can show investors and stakeholders the value of a business or farming operation, along with its mission, goals, and performance. A  business/farming profile is a written introduction to a business or farming operation that tells the reader about its activities, mission, goals and strengths. Often, a profile includes the story of the business/farming founding and describes its products and services.

We provide clients with professional business and farming profile.

BUSINESS / FARMING PROPOSALS (not a business plan)

Business/Farming Proposals include the following:

Informally Solicited Proposal – This is a proposal requested by a potential customer who is interested in your products or services.

Formally Solicited Proposal – Proposal that is requested by a regular customer who has specific requirements and expectations.

Unsolicited Proposal – Proposal that is initiated by you to offer a solution to a problem that the customer may not be ware of and think of.

Internal Proposal – Proposal that is written for your organization to get approval or funding for a project. Investors need to understand what your business is about.

External Proposal – A proposal that is written for an external entity, such as a government agency, a non-profit organization, or a private company.

We specialize in writing professional business & farming proposals.


    An Investor pitch deck is a brief presentation document – usually 10 – 15 power point, slides – that fully outlines the advantages, background, future potential, and worth of your business, farming operation and products. Raising capital from Investors is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, it’s crucial that a start up creates a great investor pitch deck by articulating a compelling and interesting story.

    While an effective investors pitch is a communication tool, its use is very widespread mostly because its what an investor expects to see before meeting a prospect.  A deck is a presentation the businesses or farming operations use to give investors an overview of their business. Furthermore, the deck typically contains slides with information about the business products or service, business model, team, market opportunity, and financials.

    Pitch Decks are essential because they can be used to persuade investors to invest in a startup. Furthermore, they should be well – designed and well- research to convince investors in funding your idea.

    We provide convincing fundraising startup pitch decks.


    A Financial Analysis is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets, and other finance – related transactions to determine their performance and suitability. The analysis is used to analyze whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid, or profitable enough to warrant a monetary investment.

    The analysis drives sound business decision – making for companies, governments, and investors when considering plans and budgets for current and future projects. So, by collecting, organizing, and interpreting financial information and using it to forecast market trends and economic conditions, analysts can access risk and provide advice on financial policies. Their expertise is vital to sound financial management.

    In the corporate world, a financial analysis is the systematic process of examining a business financial statements, budgets, and projects to assess its performance and viability. The primary objective of a financial analysis is to determine profitability, liquidity, and solvency.

    We perform an extensive analysis of financial statements that include financial ratios to establish profitability.


    Financial Planning – Financial Planning is the process of building a comprehensive financial strategy to complete long-term financial goals. A Financial Plan includes steps you plan to take to achieve your financial goals.

    Budgeting – Budgeting is a process that allows you to manage money by tracking income and expenses on a weekly or monthly basis. Creating a budget helps to understand key expenses and focus on the most time-sensitive expenses.


    The sales and marketing teams of any business or farming operation play a pivotal role in the organization’s overall success. One of their most important tasks is developing practical, structured, and detailed sales and marketing plans. So, large or small, your business or farming organization need to have a plan if it wants to enjoy success.

    A marketing/ sales plan is a strategic roadmap that businesses use to organize, execute, and track their marketing strategy over a given period. The purpose of a marketing plan is to write down strategies in an organized manner.

    Writing a sales/ marketing plan will help entrepreneurs and agripreneurs to think of each campaign’s mission, buyer personas, budget, tactics, and deliverables. Because, all this information is in one place, the entrepreneur and agripreneur have an easier time staying on track with any campaign. They also discover what works and what doesn’t. Thus, measuring the success of their strategy.

    We develop professional and workable sales and marketing plans.


    Real Estate Development, or property development, is a business process, encompassing activities that include:

    • renovation &
    • re – lease of existing buildings.
    • purchase of raw land.
    • sale of developed land or parcels to others.

    Real Estate Developers are the people or companies who coordinate all of these activities. Converting ideas from paper to real property. Real Estate Development is different from construction or house-building. Many developers also manage the construction process or engage in the house-building process.

    Developers buy land , build or have builders build projects, develop projects in joint ventures, and create, imagine, control, and orchestrate the process of development from beginning to end. Developers usually take the greatest risk in the creation or renovation of real estate and receive the greatest rewards.

     Land and Rural Development is important because it aims to:

    • Increase productivity and wages of rural people.
    • Ensure improved and immediate employment possibilities.
    • Demolish unemployment and make a notable decline in underemployment.
    • Support an increase in the standard of living of the underprivileged population.
    • Provide basic needs such as elementary education, healthcare, clear drinking water, rural road etc.

    The starting point is to develop a well-structured real estate business plan.


    South Africa facing a chronic “student housing” shortages. So,  to ensure the next generation of students are adequately provided for, it is vital for universities and developers to change the way they think about student housing. Because the demand for student accommodation has never been so high, and now that life is returning to some kind of normality and students are back in lecture halls, the spotlight on this property sector is back.

    Crafting a comprehensive business plan for “Student Accommodation“, whether starting up or already established, is paramount when seeking financing from banks or investors. Given how fragile small businesses are, financiers want to ensure that the entrepreneur have a clear roadmap in place as well as a command and control of future cash flows before entertaining the idea of funding for the project

    We can help with a well – structured and bankable business plan.


    What is the benefit of having a “One Page Business or Farming Plan”? Because, it is your plan, your ideas, and in your words. It’s a reference point for any significant business or financial decision you may be considering. Besides, it’s simple, concise and it’s you. Bankers, Investors, and potential partners can have a complete overview of your business at a glance.  Attach your budget and you’re ready for a meaningful discussion about your business.

    Building any business is a journey. Therefore, great journeys start with a vision. The vision is the dream. It describes what the journey is about and what you hope to fnd or create. Wherever you are, today is the starting point. Develop a business or farming plan that guides the building of your business or farming operation. Use your business or farming plan as a map to keep you on track to your destination. Need help with this? – let us help you by sharing our experience.

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    Small Businesses and Agriculture play a vital role in building our economy, communities, and delivering the creativity that will move our country forward. The starting point to all of this is to develop a proper "Business Plan” that is necessary to show all interested parties – employees, investors, partners, and yourself – that you are committed to building your business. Creating your plan forces you to think it through and select strategies that will propel your growth.

    Visit our website – www.premiumbusinessplans.co.za now for more details and professional help.